1. catregs::LF06art
    Data to replicate Long and Freese's (2006) count models (pp354-414)
  2. catregs::LF06travel
    Travel time example data for alternative-specific outcomes.
  3. catregs::Mize19AH
    Add-Health Data analzed in Mize (2019)
  4. catregs::Mize19GSS
    General Social Survey Data analzed in Mize (2019)
  5. catregs::ess
    A subset of data from the European Social Survey
  6. catregs::essUK
    A subset of data from the European Social Survey
  7. catregs::gss2016
    Data from the 2016 General Social Survey.
  8. catregs::logan
    Replication data for Logan's (1983) application of conditional logistic regression to mobility processes.
  9. catregs::wagepan
    Data to illustrate mixed effects regression models with serial correlation.
  10. rioplot::Beckfield06
    Replication data for Beckfield (2006) as re-analyzed by Schoon, Melamed, and Breiger (2024)
  11. rioplot::GSS.2016
    Subset of data from the General Social Survey from 2016. Data were analyzed in Schoon, Melamed, and Breiger (2024).
  12. rioplot::GSS2018
    Subset of the General Social Survey analyzed by Schoon, Melamed, and Breiger (2024)
  13. rioplot::Hilbe
    Replication data for regression models with a count dependent variable.
  14. rioplot::Kenworthy99
    Data to replicate OLS regression models reported in Kenworthy (1999).
  15. rioplot::RaginData
    Subset of replication data from Ragin and Fiss (2017).
  16. rioplot::SchneiderAndMakszin06
    Subset of replication data from Schneider and Makszin (2014).
  17. rioplot::Wimmer_et_al_EPR
    Subset of replication data from Wimmer, Cederman, and Min (2009).